Code of Conduct

    • SHEEP communicates via email. You must have a current email address that you check at least once a week.  Not replying to emails from the Campus Manager, Communications Manager or teachers can lead to dismissal from SHEEP. Some teachers may require students to be on Google Classroom and or a Facebook group for communications. If it is required by the teacher you must comply.
    • At all times during hours of operation of all SHEEP classes and programs, students must be in their classrooms. Except during class changes, students are not allowed to occupy hallways, corridors, or parking lots. This includes our lunch time. Study halls are available for students who have gaps in their schedule. Loitering between or during classes will not be permitted; a Safety Team member will be in use during all SHEEP hours of operation. Violation will result in students being placed in study hall and parents being charged accordingly.
    • Bullying will not be tolerated whether it is physical, or verbal/texting. Students are to treat each other with kindness or respect at all times. 1 Thes 5:11. Encourage one another and build each other up. Bullying will be addressed by the teacher to the parents and if continues, the child will be removed from SHEEP.
    • All parents/students at SHEEP are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that reflects Christ and glorifies God. Lack of respect for teachers, staff, volunteer workers and other students will not be tolerated. Parents are expected to require strict adherence to SHEEP policies of conduct and discuss with their children the expectations by SHEEP about their behavior while on campus and while attending SHEEP related activities off campus. In respecting one another, there is to be no public display of affection (PDA). This includes hugging, holding hands, or any inappropriate physical contact with another person. A warning will be issued to any student not respecting personal boundaries. Parents will be contacted by the Campus Manager if actions continue and could lead to dismissal if behavior does not change. All conduct on-line and on social media should reflect Christ, glorify the Father, and edify others. Posts, comments, and other on-line behavior that slanders SHEEP, its staff, fellow students, or the churches where we meet will not be permitted. Students, teachers, and classes may not start social media accounts with SHEEP name without written permission from the Board.
  5. AI USE:
    • SHEEP does not outright ban the use of AI in assignments and projects. However, SHEEP students may not use AI to write papers or portions of papers. Students may not use AI in the place of doing the work themselves, as this would fall under the guidelines of both plagiarism and cheating. AI may, however, be used in classes when specifically requested or suggested by the teacher. Please refer to individual class syllabi or guidelines for teachers’ classroom policy. When in doubt, always ask a teacher first before using AI to help with any assignment.
    • Cheating of any kind will not be tolerated at SHEEP.  If a student is found to have cheated on homework or tests or any other situation, the student can be dismissed from SHEEP.
    • Ephesians 4:29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come from your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. Vulgar language and profanity are not permitted. Blasphemous language using God’s name inappropriately will not be tolerated. Inappropriate language, whether written or spoken, is not permitted. All communication, whether spoken or written, between students and others must comply with Biblical standards. Written assignments and reading material brought to class must not contain profanity, vulgar language or inappropriate images.
    • The first rule of dress code is modesty. Torso skin, such as abdomen, back, sides and chest, cleavage, or undergarments of any kind must not show, including while sitting, bending, reaching or moving. The guide for the length of skirts is knee length. The guide for shorts is mid-thigh. See-through clothing and clothing with cut out sections are not permitted. T-shirts with inappropriate messages are not permitted. Heelys and other wheeled shoes are not permitted. Tops that show under garments or cleavage are not permitted. You may wear sleeveless shirts but tank tops, spaghetti straps, halter tops, tube tops, mid-drifts and other revealing shirts are not permitted. Pants, shorts and skirts must be worn with the waistband at the natural waistline, not below it. If you are wearing leggings or tights instead of pants your shirt or tunic must be mid-thigh length.
    • SHEEP has students from age three to 18. Lightly colored hair is allowed at SHEEP. However, stay away from Goth looking, dark hair and makeup. If you have questions, please ask the Campus Manager before doing anything permanent.  All decisions concerning what is showy or distracting will be left to the discretion of the board whose goal is to keep SHEEP focused on helping parents educate their children for the glory of God. Philippians 2:3 Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves.
    • Classes taught at SHEEP are for students only. They are not offered to parents or non-homeschool children. SHEEP will not accept children that are being educated in a virtual charter school, which is a form of public schooling at home. Once a student has graduated by walking across a stage, through your accountability group or any other method, that student can no longer attend SHEEP.
  11. CLASS TIME: 
    • Classes are 50 minutes long. Teachers need the entire 50 minutes to deliver their lessons and interruptions are not permitted. Interruptions include, but are not limited to, one child monopolizing time by misbehaving or excessive talking. Disruptive students may be removed from class and a parent called. Parents are welcome to sit in on classes with teacher’s permission, but should reserve conversations with the teacher(s) until the break between classes
    • Parents should have their children to class no earlier than ten minutes prior to the start of class and must pick students up at the end of their last class. Students not picked up on time will be placed in monitored care and parents will be responsible for the cost of the additional care at the rate of $15 per half hour. A second occurrence will lead to dismissal from SHEEP.
    • The classes offered at SHEEP are designed to enhance homeschool education, not replace a subject taught by the parent. All students are expected to complete the bulk of the assignments at home under the supervision of their parents. Students in high school classes may be asked to type assignments. If this is the case, the student must type their own papers. High School students are expected to complete all assignments assigned by teachers. For your child to enjoy the full benefits of SHEEP, it is important that they show up for all classes. If out sick or for other reasons, it is the parents’ responsibility to contact the teacher for missed assignments. If students do not complete their homework in a timely manner, parents will be contacted and if continued, students are subject to dismissal from SHEEP.
    • Guests, unless by permission of the Campus Manager or teacher, are not permitted on campus. Friends, siblings and guests not enrolled in SHEEP are not permitted on campus unless by permission. To receive permission, email the Campus Manager. When arriving, visitors must sign in at the front desk and receive a visitors tag. Parents are responsible for delivering and picking up students from SHEEP. Only adults authorized by persons may pick up students from campus. If you would like a sibling to pick up a child, please notify the teacher in person.
    • If your child is sick, please keep him or her at home. Please be considerate of other families by not bringing a child with a contagious illness to SHEEP. If your child has a fever of 100 degrees or above, has vomited, or has had diarrhea at all during the 24 hours preceding the start of SHEEP, do not bring him or her to SHEEP. If your child becomes sick during SHEEP hours, they will be sent to the front desk and a parent or emergency contact will be called. Please make sure we have the correct phone numbers, including emergency numbers. Also make sure messages are not full on your cell phone. Also, we do not have a place for students to lie down.  For their safety, students may not lie down in cars if they are ill.
    • When a student enters a class, all cell phones and other devices must be put away. No electronic devices may be used in classes without approval from the Campus Manager. If a student violates this, the device will be removed until the end of class and a parent is contacted.
  17. WHEELS:
    • No skateboards or heelys are allowed on campus at any time. If a skateboard is found on campus, it will be taken away. A parent must retrieve the skateboard. This includes the parking lot. Bicycles may be ridden to SHEEP but must be kept out of buildings at all times.
    • It is the policy of SHEEP that absolutely no smoking or use of e-cigs/vapes is allowed on campus or any SHEEP sponsored activity anywhere at any time. Additionally, it is the policy of SHEEP that no illegal or age restricted substances are allowed on campus. This includes, but not limited to substances with THC, marijuana, tobacco or alcohol.  If illegal or age restricted substances are found on an individual this is a possible cause for immediate expulsion. If the SHEEP Board suspects a student of having illegal or age restricted substances on campus, we reserve the right to search the student and their backpack with another board member or safety team member present. Parents will immediately be notified of any suspicion and if a search was conducted.
  19. EMAIL LOOP: 
    • Every SHEEP family must be on the SHEEP email loop.  Everyone will be put on the mail chimp email list. All emails are obtained during registration. Be sure to use an email address you check regularly during enrollment. 
    • If the conduct and requirements detailed herein are violated, parents and/or students will be given a warning before more serious action is taken. If the Campus Manager and/or Board feel that it is inappropriate, the parent of the offending student will be notified that services are terminated and the student will be permanently removed from SHEEP rolls. If, at any time, a parent would like to discuss their child’s situation please email the Campus Manager and a meeting will be arranged.
    • SHEEP and SHEEP teachers do not keep grades after the current school year.  Once you have received grades please keep them a safe place and turn High School grades into your Accountability group. It is not the desire of SHEEP to take over the education of your child, but simply to assist the family in their homeschool journey.
    • Those who habitually make late payments to SHEEP will not be allowed to register with returners in the next school year.  They must wait and register with new students.
    • If your child becomes sick during SHEEP hours, they will be sent to the front desk and a parent will be called. Please make sure we have the correct phone numbers, including emergency numbers. Also make sure messages are not full on your cell phone. Also, we do not have a place for students to lie down.  For their safety, students may not lie down in cars if they are ill.
    • Because SHEEP is a cooperative effort between SHEEP and parents, teachers can dismiss a child from class for disruptive behavior after parents have been notified. Additionally, if a parent is disruptive or causing concern while on campus the board will reach out to address those concerns and if they continue, could be cause for dismissal. SHEEP Board reserves the right to refuse any family or student to participate in SHEEP Program. Any student that is removed from a SHEEP class, but continues to attend other SHEEP classes, will lose the privilege of being a class helper. 
    • Students failing one or more classes may not be allowed to return to SHEEP. Accountability groups will be notified of any high school student failing a class.
    • It is the policy of SHEEP that parents will drop their preschool child/children off at the preschool desk. This desk is located in the church foyer Summerville Church of Christ and Church entrance at Crowfield Baptist Church. Once you have arrived at the preschool desk your child’s badge will be scanned using our phone app or computer and a preschool SHEEP volunteer will take your child/children to their first class. Students will receive their name badge during the Meet the Teacher Event. If your child has more than one class at SHEEP they will be escorted from one class to another. Children will be returned to the preschool desk when their classes are over. This way there will be a central place to pick up and drop off your kids. Your child’s badge will be scanned again as they leave the building for check out.  This method of drop-off and pick-up is similar to many schools, mothers’ morning out programs, and church nurseries. In many of those places, children are signed in and out at a central location and then walked by an adult to their individual classes. Please make sure your child wears his name tag for the rest of the school year. Additionally, Parents are to pick up preschool students, siblings cannot pick them up for safety reasons. Parents must show a parent ID or Driver’s License in order to pick up a preschool student. One parent ID badge will be provided per family, if additional ones are needed you can fill out the form here and one will be made with a $5 per additional badge.
    • Absolutely no weapons are allowed on the SHEEP property at any time. This includes but is not limited to: knives, num-chuk, guns, or tasers. Also, no fireworks of any kind are allowed.
    • No SHEEP participant or performance attendees while on any SHEEP campus or during any SHEEP activity, event, or performance may use restrooms, dressing rooms, or any other designated single gender location or class for a gender opposite the participant or attendee’s biological gender.