Preschool Requirements
- We offer preschool classes for children K3-K5. Children must be 3 years old by September 1st.
- Students must be fully potty trained. An assistant will be available to take your child to the restroom.
- Lunch period is observed between 11:50-12:10 in the classroom for the child’s 12:10pm class. Please pack a lunch that your child can mostly open and eat independently.
- Snacking is at the discretion of teachers. Students may pack a snack but should be prepared to eat it between class periods.
- Please label water bottles, lunch boxes, coats and backpacks. We make every effort to keep belongings with students, but if an item is misplaced and unlabeled, it will be turned in to the Lost & Found located in the foyer by the main entrance double doors under the carport.
- In case of an emergency, we will call the contact phone number on your child’s name tag they wear on a lanyard. Please be sure that we have two local emergency contact phone numbers on file.
- Preschoolers MUST wear their lanyard every class throughout the school year. If you lose it, please stop by the front desk for a $5 replacement. We will use temporary name tags for the day until a replacement is printed.
- Only Parents or Authorized Adults can pick up preschool students using a sheep provided ID badge or driver license. Siblings may not check out preschool students.
Preschool Requirements
- All classes have a $15 enrollment fee due at the time of enrollment. Material fees are one time charges due in July. These invoices will go out via email when they are due. An $12 administration fee is added to all invoices to pay for rent, insurance, ect. The monthly class fees will be due the first week of September, October, November, January, February, March, and April.
- There is a payment desk in the foyer that can accept your payments and answer any questions. We ask that, if possible, payments be submitted through the Square Link on your emailed invoices. You may also pay through the link HERE.
Summerville Preschool Pickup and Drop Off Policy:
Parents are required to drop their preschool child/children off at the preschool desk. This desk is located in the foyer of the main building (see map HERE). You will need to come in the Front Door, located under the awning, to access the Preschool Check-in desk. On the first day, if you have not already picked up your students badge during Meet the Teacher, you will need to pick up their name badge on a lanyard at the front desk. If your child/children have a yellow lanyard, they must be checked-in, checked-out, and picked up at the Preschool desk.
Your child will be checked in using our SHEEP Portal and a Preschool SHEEP staff member will take your child/children to their first class. If your child has more than one class at SHEEP they will be escorted from one class to another by a staff member. Children will be returned to the preschool desk when their classes end. Your child will be checked out when you arrive to pick them up.
Our preschool and kindergarten classes overlap significantly. If a child ends their day in a class that we have specified as “preschool”, that child needs to be picked up at the preschool desk. We do not have the ability to filter out kindergartners and release them separately for pick up.
Please make sure your child wears his name tag lanyard every day of classes for the entire school year. Please do not allow your child to put stickers or anything on their badge that will cover the QR code, their name, emergency contact information, or class schedule.
Please note, only Parents or Authorized Adults can pick up preschool students using a sheep provided ID badge or drivers license. Siblings may not check out preschool students.
Crowfield Preschool Pickup and Drop Off Policy:
Preschool students may be dropped off in the car rider line or walked up to the glass entrance doors. Staff will escort preschoolers to class and will return them to you at pick up.
Please note, only Parents or Authorized Adults can pick up preschool students. Siblings may not check out preschool students.