Registration & Enrollment
SHEEP Membership
To become a member of SHEEP, please register for a website account and fill out the enrollment forms when prompted. Once we review and approve your account, you will be able to see our Current Member pages, Course Descriptions, and enroll in classes when your enrollment period opens.
Website Registration
To register for a website account, please click on the “My Account” icon near the search bar and Register your email address for an account. A link to a temporary password will be sent to the email address you registered from DoNotReply, which may end up in your SPAM folder. After you have selected a new password, you will be prompted to fill out your enrollment forms and input all your account and student(s) information. You will not be able to enroll in classes until the account details are filled out and the enrollment forms completed. Please be sure to add your First and Last name to your account so we can easily find it and assist with any issues
Class Enrollment Process
We have several enrollment periods for New Families, Returning Families, Staff and Teachers and Priority Seating. You will be able to review classes for cost, teacher information and syllabi (if applicable) before your enrollment period. Once your enrollment period opens, you will be able to select a class, choose which student you are enrolling in that class and then adding it to your cart. CLASSES ARE NOT HELD IN THE CART. Only successfully checking out secures your seat in that class. We offer and maintain a Waitlist for sold out classes over the summer and strive to seat as many students as we can. Last year we seated a significant portion of our Waitlist.