Team Members

SHEEP Teacher Portal

Class Rolls and Attendance records can be found on the portal linked above.

Safety Procedures

  • Exit the classroom and then use the nearest building exit and walk to the back parking lot by the treeline
  • If you have a responsible high school class, look for the littles or preschoolers and help. Your high schoolers should stand between young kids and the parking lot in order to protect them from traffic.
  • Once you are at the treeline, take a roll call and make sure you have everyone. Please report to your safety team member from your zone that you have everyone, or give them details on the child(ren) you’re missing.
  • Do not return to the building until the campus manager or safety team has given you the all clear.
  • Move class to designated shelter
  • Take a roll call and make sure you have everyone. Please report to your safety team member from your zone that you have everyone, or give them details on the child(ren) you’re missing.

Immediately contact the nearest safety team member and communicate the following information:

  • WHO, the child’s name
  • WHAT, a description of the child and their clothing
  • WHEN they were last seen 
  • WHERE were they last seen? Where were they supposed to be?

The safety team will spread the information by radios and search the campus. Cars will be stopped and checked as they are leaving.

Police will be called if the child is not found after all Safety Monitors have cleared their zones or within 10 minutes, whichever comes first.

  • RUN – If possible, evacuate the area to a weather shelter or safe place
  • HIDE – Stay in place, keep the hallways clear. Lock doors, close window coverings and stay silent. Keep away from doors and windows.
  • FIGHT – Only as a last resort. Your efforts may be key in slowing or stopping the attacker until police arrive.

The safety team wears whistles for emergencies. If you hear sustained whistle blowing, please lock your doors and shelter in place.

  • Send your assistant or student to notify the Safety Team
  • AED is in the main hallway/foyer and the Gym with a CPR mask, trauma kit and first aid. 
  • Payment Desk has the main first aid kit
  • We have several nurses and some first responders on staff. Help will come.
  • If you have a child who carries an EPI pen, we can train you how to use it.